Hello friends,
I hope you’re well despite the chaotic world that surrounds us.
I’ve been meaning to share an update for quite some time, but I’ve been so intensely hard at work on Haru: Book 3, that I haven’t had time. In fact I don’t really have time right now, so I’m going to keep this breif. I will be submitting the finished book for final edits in just a few weeks. It’s getting close, and I’m very excited.
I don’t know if many of you have read to the end of Book 2, if you have, I imagine you’re eager to find out what happens next. Well, below is the first page of Book 3. I hope you like it and it piques your interest.
Anyway, I have to go and get back to work. Wish me luck, friends, I have a mountain to climb before this is over and I have to do alone.
Happy hiking my friend!