Hello comic friends,
I hope you made it through the summer safely! The past couple of weeks have been blisteringly hot here in the UK, so I'm grateful to feel a little cooler today.
I have a few bits of news to share with you, I'll start with the exciting bit...
I've printed a short run of a new comic!
I'm going to be officially releasing this at The Lakes Comic Art Fest & Thought Bubble this autumn, but I wanted to make a very small number (30) available online immediately for those who won't be able to make it to those shows.
Here's the link --> https://joelathamcomics.etsy.com/listing/1550014456
Here are a few images from the comic. I hope you like it!

It's a fantasy adventure about a Frog named Galli and a Beetle named Mord, but it's also a parable about life, and is steeped in folklore references and elements. Basically it's a lot of the things I love, and grew up emersed in, but filtered through my own attempts to try and understand the world.
Next, an update on HARU.
I'm going to have to stop selling the individual chapters on Etsy very soon, because the first graphic novel for Andrews McMeel is with the printers currently (I think), due for release in March 2024. There's going to be a hardback edition and a paperback edition. I'll share more details on that as soon as I can.
In the meantime, I've also been working on the second HARU graphic novel with my editor. There's not much I can say or share right now, as it's mostly words and layouts, but in due time I hope to be able to share more. In terms of the publishing process, I have to make some edits to the script, and then I'll be working on the pencils.
In additional news, I'll actually be performing / presenting a new short comic at The Lakes Comic Art fest this autumn too, as part of an event organized by Dan Berry. My piece is a snapshot of time in my life, about anxiety and the tricks our minds play on us when we spiral. But it's also a reminder of love. Again, I hope to share more of this online as soon as I can.
Anyway, thank you so much for reading this far, if you did!
Order placed by the way.
At last, a Joe Latham comic to keep me going. Any chance you'll do a convention in the South West when Haru is released next year? I'd love a chance to pick up a hardcover in person.